Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day?

It definitely sucks not living with (let alone not living in the same state with) the woman I’ll be spending the rest of my life. It especially sucked during V-Day when I couldn’t see her, and seeing how all those little retards around me took for granted their significant other.

Anyways, I just thought I’d post my favorite picture of my favorite woman who ever granted me the time of day. My buddy just proposed to his girl last night, and I must admit I’m jealous.

I’m pretty pathetic, I guess, as I cannot wait to be a husband and pop out children like I’m running a YMCA. Soccer dad? You better believe it!

This is what she looked like for the birthday party thrown by that same buddy who just proposed. It was a ‘70s theme, and she was the best-looking babe in the building (like usual).
