Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fifty Word Bio

Recently I’ve been updating an old story I wrote for The Sentinel that will be reprinted in Idaho Magazine’s November issue. They’re running my photos, as well (see my favorite below).
But the hardest part of the entire thing is penning a 50-word “mini-bio” of myself that they will run on the Contributors Page. I didn’t realize how hard writing about myself could be.
But, after toiling for more than a few hours, I finally finished this little paragraph:

A recent college graduate, Jake Donahue is a journalist in every sense of the word. He’s covered student government scandals and opined the cons of handicapped parking; photographed everything from pelicans to panoramic; but above all else, loves newspaper design immensely. He’s a Little League coach, freelance designer and soon to be married.
And here is one of the photos I used in the original article, hopefully they pick this one, as well:



Me~Kelly said...

sweet picture!
the 50 words sums things up nicely i would say.
sure hope u dont mind but i have put your blogs on my "follow" list :)

Jake Donahue said...

Haha, not at all! I just stumbled onto your 911 page, i friggin' love it!!

Me~Kelly said...

my main blog is pretty much just a family blog and since it has lots of pictures of my little guy i keep it private, i can send u an invite to it but the vast majority of the posts will probably put u to sleep :)