Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blogosphere Layoff

The last few weeks have been incredibly busy, yet now that I am finally settled in at my grandparent’s house for the summer, things are starting to slowly fall in place: School is nearly out, which means The Sentinel is requiring less and less time (before you know it, I will fully hand the reigns over to Eli Francovich, next year’s editor-in-chief); I’ve also started back up at the Boardwalk Marina part-time and Little League is finally beginning to run smoothly.

So, while I’m out 4-wheeling in the woods in my new backyard or helping Grandpa tend to his garden (or help him work on that cold 12-pack of Natty Light) in my sparse spare time, one thing that will also keep me from updating this magnificent little corner of the Web is the internet – or, rather, my grandparent’s lack of a fast connection.

They have a dial-up connection, and it’s not exactly something worth connecting to my laptop. Thus, posts will be coming in bunches, as I am actually writing them on my laptop (thank you, Windows Live Writer, the greatest blog-editing tool – ever!). I set the date for them to publish at whatever the time is when I concoct these minor masterpieces, then when I connect my laptop in town to a WiFi network, BOOM! Suddenly my blog is inundated with a flurry of retroactive action.

Stay tuned. I’m not going anywhere (yet).