Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Designer of the Year?

Well, I wasn’t exactly dubbed that, but I was close!

In the Society of News Design’s annual college newspaper design contest, I chalked up a few other major awards, nonetheless. I received first place in two separate categories under non-daily papers, as well as honorable mention in another.

However, the big boy came in winning honorable mention for DAILY newspaper designer of the year. Now, had they put me in the category I was supposed to be in (Non-Daily), who knows what I would have done. Worst part? Winner takes home $1,000. Oh well, honorable mention in the Daily category put me up there with Missouri, Michigan State and Indiana University – the best-looking papers in the nation! So, much to my chagrin, I’m still honored!

Also, The Sentinel as a paper won third place for BEST OVERALL DESIGNED NEWSPAPER in the non-daily category. Against School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Savannah College of Art and Design (my high school dream college), that’s a pretty huge ego-boost!

Here’s how I did in the individual categories.

This page was awarded First Place in NEWS PAGE COVER DESIGN (1 of 2 awards in this category. Nobody else was named). It’s from the issue last fall where we were named the best newspaper in show at the Kansas City Associated Collegiate Press journalism convention:

A1 Front

This page won First Place in EDITORIAL PAGE DESIGN (thanks in large part to Steven Hamari):


And this page won Honorable Mention in NEWS PAGE COVER DESIGN (2 of 2 awards in this catetgory. Nobody else was named.):

bbx Front