Wednesday, March 11, 2009

High School All-Star Program

This school year I have been designing and editing the NIC athletic department's booster club newsletter. Because of working so closely with the athletic director, Al Williams, he has also utilized my skills for other projects, as well as hooked me up with a college relations department design gig.

In December I designed the entire inside section for a high school holiday tournament. Then, thanks to Al's recommendation, I was given the chance to design a folder cover for the college relation dept.'s orientation process (OARS). But my greatest project yet has undoubtedly been my busiest.

The Idaho High School All-Star Games Program has taken up dozens of hours, countless edits and my first opportunity to create a program cover. The experience has been great, as the athletic department (Al Williams and Patty Stewart) are amazing to work with. Thank God they like the design of this program, as I worked on it simultaneously with the Sentinel this weekend.

Here's the cover I made (The logo in the bottom right was pre-designed by someone else and required to use):