Thursday, March 26, 2009

SND design contest

Today, much to my surprise, I awoke to numerous voicemails from my newspaper advisor, Nils. Although he is succumbed to jury duty, apparently he made time to check his school mail, for, it appears, he opened a letter from the Society of Professional Journalists care/of the University of Missouri.

Anyway, The Sentinel just shelled out $116 to pay for entry submissions for a major design competition. And, aside from one STAFF submission, ALL the rest had but one byline: Jake Donahue!

Obviously, as I care more – nay, obsess – about the paper’s design, I was able to submit roughly 10 or 12 designs I felt marketable to those whom judge my work.

Cross your fingers!

What’s more, I also submitted seven separate designs toward the “designer of the year” contest. I truly doubt I have a chance at this notoriety; however, I also seriously doubted the Poynter Fellowship! So, maybe, just maybe, even if I don’t win “Non-Daily Designer of the Year,” I can still win a few awards.

It’s a prestigious contest, so even 2nd or 3rd place is admirable.