Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Look

I know that I should be working on a whole lot of other things (mainly that huge workload to prepare myself for the Poynter Fellowship at News University), but I couldn’t resist the temptation to teach myself a little html and tinker with my blog design.

If you took a peek at all throughout today, you would have seen roughly five or so different layouts before I settled on the current format. What’s worse, I probably chalked up a good 6 hours of on-again, off-again tinkering.

Oh well, between searching for templates online and helping James get his first issue of The Freefall Review seattle-space-needlepublished, I guess I’ve accomplished something today.

Meanwhile, I’m still determining plans to stop in Seattle for a day on my way to see Holly in Portland for Spring Break. I haven’t seen my Brother or nephews since Christmas Break, and I definitely want to see little Jack and Ryan soon. I’ll have a schedule set up here soon in the coming day or two, as it really depends on my Little League practice schedule.